What is a good breakfast?

You know you should eat a good breakfast every day, right? And that breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day in terms of quantity and caloric content. But what constitutes a good breakfast? A good traditional breakfast would consist of a whole grain cereal with soy, rice or almond milk, (there is really no reason to drink cow’s milk in 2012.) 1-2 slices of whole grain bread, 1-2 tablespoons of nuts or a tablespoon of nut butter and five servings of fruit. Alternatives may include grits, tofu, whole grain toast, 5 servings of fruit and several nuts. Many prefer eating what you might consider dinner foods for breakfast such as brown rice, beans, greens, yams, etc. Whatever your preference is, the most important thing is to eat a good breakfast! Why not make it a habit of eating a nutritious breakfast every day; for better health. It will aid in becoming, “Less of Ourselves in 2012!”

What is a good breakfast?

What is a good breakfast?