The heart & walking

In a study conducted at Duke University Medical Center, walking briskly for 30 minutes every day lowers the odds of developing metabolic syndrome, a group of risk factors linked to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Don’t have time for a daily half-hour walk? A British study found that active commuting (incorporating walking and cycling into your sedentary commute) is associated with an 11 percent reduction in heart-disease risk, especially among women. If you can’t get 30 minutes at one time, you can break it up into segments which you can fit into your day. In addition to reducing heart disease, diabetes and strokes, “just 30 minutes of walking three times a week does wonders to prevent and treat thinning bones. This kind of exercise, which uses 95 percent of your muscles, actually pushes your bones to get stronger so they can handle the load.” (, June 28, 2008) So why not get started today. So why not join other Christians in the “InSteps for Life” walking program. Visit to get started.

The heart & walking

The heart & walking