Diet and weight management

It is impossible to talk about weight management without addressing what we eat. Our diets, to a large degree determine whether we will have optimal health or whether we will be overweight/obese and increase the risk for ill-health. There are so many differing voices out there as to what diet is best to reduce and maintain weight loss. High protein, low “carbs”, high fat, grapefruit, South Beach, Atkins, just to name a few.

The truth is, you may pick any of the above or any other and lose weight, but usually, within 6-12 months all the weight that was lost has reappeared. But how do you choose what dietary plan to follow? That’s easy; just consult the owner’s manual. Our Creator, who knows what is best, has given us His plan for weight loss, weight maintenance and weight gain; and over the next four weeks we will examine God’s dietary plan for His children and how it impacts weight management. Why not commit today to follow God’s plan so that He can fulfill in you, that which you desire concerning your weight.

Diet and weight management

Diet and Weight Management

Diet and weight management

Diet and weight management