Grains, beans and nuts

Grains and nuts are also included in God’s dietary program. Unrefined whole grains can be eaten freely, 6-11 servings each day. Nuts by contrast should be eaten sparingly due to their higher fat content. I have heard it said that we can determine the amount of each type of food God intended us to eat by how easy it is to obtain them in nature. For instance, you can just pick fruits and vegetables and eat them as is, so they may be freely eaten. Whole grains usually require some preparation, so not quite as much. Nuts by contrast are hard to get to in nature due to the tall trees and hard shells; therefore we should eat only small amounts of them. Consider this; ½ cup of cashews contains 374 calories compared to the same amount of corn at 92 calories. While nuts are very beneficial to our health, moderation is the key. So why not commit today to following God’s dietary plan by eating nuts in moderation, for better weight and health!

Grains, beans and nuts

Grains, beans and nuts