Soybeans and health clarified

Beans are an important part of God’s dietary plan, and are essential for a successful weight management program. Subsequently, if you hear they are a cause of ill-health you have definite basis to doubt it. I have heard it said that women should not eat soybean because of the estrogens they contain and thus the risk of breast disorders. The truth is that soy’s estrogens have 1/1000 the stimulating effects of body produced estrogens; so soy is actually preventing the overstimulation of estrogen receptors on breast tissue, preventing cancer and other diseases. In facts a population-based cohort study from China reported in the December 9, 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association demonstrated that the risk of breast cancer occurrence and recurrence was lowest in those using the most soy products. In men an SDA study from California relates that the risk of prostate cancer can be reduced by 70% by drinking 1 cup of soymilk each day; so you may use soy products regularly without fear. (Jacobsen BK, Knutsen SF, Fraser GE. Does high soy milk intake reduce prostate cancer incidence? The Adventist Health Study, United States. Cancer Causes and Control. 1998;9:553-7.)  Isaiah 5:20 states,  “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” So why not commit today to following God’s dietary plan!

Soybeans and health clarified

Soybeans and health clarified