Make Healthy “Me Time”

We have been blessed to enter a new year which I did not think I would see back in 1976 when I was baptized into God’s remnant church. I thought Jesus would have come by now. But God has given us time to demonstrate our love for Him. What areas in your life need improving? Health is usually in the top three. A recent article on the December 29, 2014 WebMD website encourages us to “Make Healthy Me Time.”

Find time for yourself to concentrate on becoming a better you. For many finding that time is difficult. To find that time the author suggest that you: get up earlier, or ask family members to help with the chores, or claim a weekend morning or afternoon for yourself. It is also recommended that you learn to say “No” gracefully. With this new found time you can become a better you so that you can become a better servant to others. And remember our Savior says, “Without me, ye can do nothing.” So make time every morning to spend with the Creator, for better health!

Make Healthy “Me Time”

Make Healthy “Me Time”