Do you know your child’s blood pressure? Several years ago this was not a very relevant question, but
Whole grain foods
“Eating primarily whole grains in place of white bread, white rice, and white flour baked goods has consistently
Exercise & useful labor
“Useful labor and physical exercise will have a more healthful influence upon the mind and will strengthen the
What type of soap do you use?
Over the past 2-3 decades scientist have stressed the need for preventing infections through the thorough washing of
Preventing colon cancer
”The prevalence of cancers and tumors is largely due to gross living on dead flesh.” Nov. 5, 1896.
Caffeine and brain function
“Tea has an influence to excite the nerves, and coffee benumbs the brain; both are highly injurious.”(5T 365).
Soy nuts & blood pressure
Using soy nuts as the source of protein in a healthy diet will reduce the blood pressure in
Berry Good!
Last week the importance of breakfast was related. I trust that you and your loved ones are getting
Getting ready for school
School time is almost here! If you would like to increase the probability of your children or yourself
Flaxseed and prostate cancer
One out of six American men will develop prostate cancer. More than 218,000 men will be diagnosed with