Using soy nuts as the source of protein in a healthy diet will reduce the blood pressure in
Berry Good!
Last week the importance of breakfast was related. I trust that you and your loved ones are getting
Getting ready for school
School time is almost here! If you would like to increase the probability of your children or yourself
Flaxseed and prostate cancer
One out of six American men will develop prostate cancer. More than 218,000 men will be diagnosed with
Eat to beat Cholesterol
Millions of individual in the U.S. have elevated cholesterol and are at risk for heart disease, which is
What can I do about catching a cold!
“The Lord has given some simple herbs of the field that at times are beneficial; and if every
What are you and your children watching?
Televisions are in nearly every home in America. There are good programs and bad. We must choose the
Vitamin E Supplements & Health
(I’m sure you are aware of all the information on the benefits of vitamin E in the prevention
Sugar intake & pancreatic cancer
“Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly cancers and is the fourth leading cause of cancer death
Selenium – do you need more?
Last week’s Pearl for Health discussed the increase risk for cancer associated with certain vitamins but not selenium.