“Useful labor and physical exercise will have a more healthful influence upon the mind and will strengthen the muscles, improve the circulation, and will prove a powerful agent in the recovery of health.” (ML 150.4)
“Premenopausal women who are very physically active –especially those who put in the most work around the house — may be cutting their risk of developing cancer of the uterine lining. Among 253,023 women followed for more than six years, those who had not yet reached menopause at the study’s outset and were the most physically active were 34 percent less likely to develop endometrial cancer than their more sedentary peers. Three to four hours of household or recreational activity each day produced the greatest benefit.” (researchinghealth.com – August 22, 2007)
So ladies (and gentlemen), don’t worry about going to the gym! Just do those household chores and reap the benefits without the outlay of means that could be used for a better purpose.