“According to a WebMD survey, 38 percent of patients lie about following their doctor’s orders. Bad idea, says Sacramento-based Dr. Liu: ‘If we think someone’s taking a medicine and they’re not, we may conclude their illness is getting worse, and order unnecessary tests or precribe a stronger medication, and that increases the risk of complications.’ But if you explain that you’re not taking a med because it’s too expensive, you can’t stand the side effects, you don’t understand how to take it or you keep forgetting to take it, the doctor may find a more agreeable alternative.” (RemedyMD, Spring 2008, p.69) This would include herbs, over-the-counter medications and vitamin supplements. Remember keeping secrets from you doctor can be dangerous! (NOTE: MOST PEOPLE TAKE OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS FOR MINOR PROBLEMS. BUT YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE THEM UNLESS IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, BECAUSE SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS HAVE RECENTLY BEEN REPORTED WITH THERE USE!)