You have heard the adage, “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.”
“Well scientific research is providing information that proves its validity in reference to colon cancer. “The kind of fiber in apples – – called pectin – – appears to both bump up colon-protective compounds and clamp down on cancer-causing ones. In a lab study, apple pectin increased levels of butyrate, a fatty acid that not only keeps colon tissue healthy but also slows the production of a cancer-causing substances. Apples juice extracts amped up butyrate as well.” (, Aug. 28, 2009).
Inspiration tells us, “If you can get apples, you are in a good condition as far as fruit is concerned, if you have nothing else.. I do not think such large varieties of fruit are essential, yet they should be carefully gathered and preserved in their season for use when there are no apples to be had. Apples are superior to any other fruit for a standby that grows.” (CD 312.2)
So why not get an apple each day? It may save your life