Kidney disease is increasing in the US. With the high intake of salt, the high protein diets and the high prevalence of hypertension, the kidneys are “taking a beating.” Dialysis clinics are found literally in every town in the country. To preserve and maintain healthy kidneys there are a few simple things you can do. According to information from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1994-2004, one of the most important things to do is “Toss the Pop and Save the Kidney!” Drinking soft drinks, two or more per day, was shown to increase the amount of albumin in the urine. About 11% of the population has albuminuria. Among those who drink two or more cans of soda per day, 17%t have this early marker of kidney disease, the study found. “Researchers aren’t sure why soda seems to stress the kidneys, but it could be that high-fructose corn syrup, phosphorous, or some other ingredient in the fizzy stuff gives kidneys a hard time. A recent pilot study by other researchers, reported in the journal Environmental Health, found that nine of 20 commercial samples of high fructose corn syrup from three manufacturers contained detectable levels of mercury.” This adds the intriguing possibility that it is not just the sugar itself in high fructose corn syrup that is harmful, because mercury is harmful to kidneys as well.” (Source: Loyola University Health System) So for better health leave off the soft drinks and drink water or 100% fruit juices for better kidney health!