Emotion is defined as “a conscious mental reaction (as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feelings usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body; a state of feeling.” (Webster’s Dictionary) Emotions include fear, courage, anger; delight, worry and peace just to name a few. We were created emotional beings by God, having feelings that would assist us in this life and prepare us for the life to come. Emotions/feelings are a part of our DNA with God desiring us to use these emotions for good, and the enemy urging us to use them for evil; the choice is ours. It is an unfortunate fact that many times these emotions lead to unhealthy choices and instead of basing our choices on principle; we based them upon how we feel! The Bible speaking in reference of the seriousness of this issue states, “And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.” (Proverbs 23:2) “Every one should exercise reason and self-control and should act from principle.” (Counsel on Diet and Foods p. 139) So why not start today and choose, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to do what is best instead of what you want or how you feel? Over the next few weeks we will explore the relationship between emotions and health in reference to obesity.