What we eat can reduce the chances of getting pancreatic cancer. The RealAge Tips of the Week for May 26-28, 2008, site a study which revealed a 23% decrease in the incidence of pancreatic cancer among those that consumed large amounts of onions & arugula (a spicy little leaf, which some describe as bitter and others characterize as having a “peppery-mustardy” flavor). These foods are high in 3 powerful flavonoids (plant chemicals), kaempferol, quercetin, and myricetin which are believed to be the active agents that prevent pancreatic cancer. Other sources of Kaempferol are: kale, swiss chard, endive, raw spinach, chives, and white beans. Quercetin: asparagus, apples, and buckwheat. Myricetin: fennel, blueberries, cranberries, and carob flour. So make sure to include these in your diet if you desire to reduce your risk for pancreatic cancer.