Alzheimer’s and other dementia’s are the sixth leading cause of death in the United States which strikes 1 out of 3 persons over the age of 85 years old. As baby boomers age, the cost of caring for people with Alzheimer and other dementia’s is expected to double by 2040 to $215 billion a year. But is there anything that can help prevent this devastating condition. Research reports that protein fragments called beta-amyloid causes plaques which are a hallmark in Alzheimer’s. The other common problem seen in this condition is damaged blood vessels.
Recent studies identify 5 factors which increase the risk of Alzheimer. They include: 1) high blood pressure, 2) elevated blood sugars, 3) lack of physical activity, 4) excessive weight, and 5) mental and social inactivity. Over the next 3 weeks we will investigate these factors closer. May God help us to make healthful choices now, that we may always maintain “a sound mind.” 2 Tim. 1:7 (Source: Nutrition Action Health Letter – Jan/Feb 2014)