Keeping secrets can be dangerous

“According to a WebMD survey, 38 percent of patients lie about following their doctor’s orders. Bad idea, says Sacramento-based Dr. Liu: ‘If we think someone’s taking a medicine and they’re not, we may conclude their illness is getting worse, and order unnecessary tests or precribe a stronger medication, and that increases the risk of complications.’ But if you explain that you’re not taking a med because it’s too expensive, you can’t stand the side effects, you don’t understand how to take it or you keep forgetting to take it, the doctor may find a more agreeable alternative.” (RemedyMD, Spring 2008, p.69) This would include herbs, over-the-counter medications and vitamin supplements. Remember keeping secrets from you doctor can be dangerous! (NOTE: MOST PEOPLE TAKE OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS FOR MINOR PROBLEMS. BUT YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE THEM UNLESS IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, BECAUSE SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS HAVE RECENTLY BEEN REPORTED WITH THERE USE!)

Keeping secrets can be dangerous

Keeping secrets can be dangerous