Happy New Year! God has blessed you to see another new year and I know you praise Him for this blessing. 2011 with its challenges, blessings, aspirations, victories and failures has passed; and a new chapter in your life’s book has opened. How will this chapter read? The choice is yours and mine. The 2012 conference wide health initiative, “LESS OF OURSELVES IN 2012” focuses on becoming more like Jesus; living according to His will and not yours. John 3:30, “He must increase, but I must decrease,” is our objective! This decrease encompasses every aspect of life. From a health prospective the emphasis is centered on weight management. Because of the epidemic of obesity in this country it is stated that the current generation will be the first in modern history to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. And as Christians, how can you and I witness to others with the Biblical truth that, “I can do all things through Christ which strengheneth me;” (Phil. 4:13), when our physical weight contradicts that assertion? Therefore for 2012 the Pearls For Health will share a lifestyle that will enable us to become less of ourselves and allow God to increase in our lives!