
New Hope is a church that believes in helping others where we see it is necessary. Outreach is not limited to a specific age group. There is something for everyone!

Two Saturdays out of every month you can find a few of our youth believers visiting an extended stay hotel nearby with bagged lunches to be distributed. They go door to door offering a lunch, all the while building a relationship that they can use to show the residents who Jesus is. The church members rejoice when meeting believers and show love to those who do not believe, because they may have never known true love in their entire lives.

You can also find the Deaconesses visiting two area nursing homes on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Imagine passing by a room in a nursing home, on your way to see a loved one, and you see a lady or a man in that room who seems lonely. You would never want your loved one to feel that way. That is where our Deaconesses come into play – sharing the love of Jesus with those who are willing to listen and keeping them company.

There are many of aspects of outreach where our Personal Ministries and Community Service departments are heavily involved, whether helping by distributing food or clothes or keeping an elderly person company. Outreach is not only about handing out spiritual literature. It is also about treating others the way Jesus treated those He encountered. Throughout Christ’s time on earth He showed compassion to the sick, hungry, and hopeless. As disciples, we try to follow His example and direction with the hopes of leaving a lasting impression on someone’s heart.

