Vitamin E & C have been touted as being very beneficial in reducing heart disease. But in a New York Times article dated November 29, 2001, commenting on a study done from the University of Washington, show that these supplements not only do not protect the body from heart disease, but also suggests they may interfere with medications used to treat elevated cholesterol. Remember, “God’s way is always best.” And what is His way? For an elevated cholesterol, choose the diet God gave His people in the first place.
This diet contains no cholesterol. It can be found in Genesis 1:29. If you desire a dietary “insurance policy,” a multiple vitamin and mineral tablet will do it. Getting 20-30 minutes of exercise, reducing your stress level prayer, Bible study and medication upon God’s Word, will do more than all the individual vitamins you can buy for the prevention of heart disease. So don’t worry about all the supplements, just “do your best and trust God for the rest.”